Author: Anonymous
Source: free-articles
Kuala Lumpur, April 25: In yet another move to enhance Internet users' experience while surfing the Net,, Asia's leading e-info portal recently introduced a software download channel, making it one of the few Internet players in Malaysia and Asia to offer the widest range of downloadable applications on the Web.
For software developers and applications and service providers (ASPs) in Asia particularly, the channel creates a ready, centralised and high traffic platform to market their products.
On average, more than 2 million cyber visitors log on to each month, namely from Malaysia and the Asia region. The site has a popular following in some parts of the United States and Europe.
Called Skali Downloads (, the channel to date comprises more than 2000 softwares downloadable from 100 categories of various applications. These softwares are grouped under : Business and Productivity Tools, Developers Tools, Drivers, Education, Games, Home and Personal, Internet and Networking, Utilities, Multimedia and Design and Operating Systems.
By clicking on the Business and Productivity Tools category, for instance, one is able to download such programmes relating to Database Management, Inventory Systems, Spreadsheet and Project Management.
Under its Utilities categories, downloading options range from antivirus, backup, file and disk management and file compression programmes, whilst its multimedia and design category offers downloads on animation, image editing, MP3 and videos.
The channel's user-friendly features alert individuals, professional and businesses users of new softwares while its Top 10 downloads in each category keeps users abreast of popular programmes and applications.
Says Aimi Aizal Nasharuddin, head of, "The decision to create this unique channel on our site is obvious as software downloads is one of the most sought after features amongst Internet users."
"Skali online community and its visitors now have access to a one-stop centre to find the software of their choice, on a free-of -charge basis, on a trial basis and on an upgrade basis."
" We take pride in being able to offer Internet users this value-added resource, which we believe will work towards encouraging more traffic to Malaysia and growing the online community of Skali," says Aimi.
The Skali Download channel adds on to the site's existing nine channels and its Asia-centric wide-ranging contents of more than 1,200 pieces of real-time updated news, feature articles, business reviews, trade leads and press releases daily.
"We aim for Skali Downloads to become the hub for software developers in Asia and to provide the most comprehensive downloadable softwares in the region by continually upgrading the quality and quantity of programmes and applications," says Aimi.
"To achieve this objective, we have embarked on a series of partnerships with various Internet software developers, applications and service providers (ASPs) to offer Internet users the variety and choice of the latest softwares available in the market today."'s capability to aggregate thousands of softwares and applications is not an easy feat as this mammoth task requires superior capabilities in infrastructure, high bandwith to ensure high speed access, and content management expertise.
This need is currently being provided by ( ), the services arm of the Skali Group and a leading provider of ready-to-use Internet infrastructure and one-stop-to-dot com business solutions in Malaysia and Asia.
Storage of softwares in Skali Downloads channel, is being located at's state-of-the-art data centre with round-the-clock technical support.
Skali, which is a firm believer in strategic Internet partnerships, is encouraging more software developers and ASPs from within the Asia region to submit their softwares to
" Currently, about 70 per cent of the softwares on the channel are provided by US and Europe based companies. We want to encourage more of Asia-based software developers to fully utilise this service," says Aimi.
"-It's a win-win situation for all parties - partners can leverage on Skali's high traffic and wide global reach while users benefit from having a wide selection of downloadable softwares," he adds.
About acts as an Internet content aggregator that pulls together current, informative and entertaining news that are Asia-centric. The channel aims to enhance online experience of Internet users by providing real time updated news, editorials, internet and intranet search guides and user-friendly online tools.
Its trade and business links provide opportunities for companies to forge one-on-one relationship with their existing and potential customers. These features are in line with's mission to develop an interactive platform for on line communities with more content and participation from Internet users
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